Today was the annual Good Friday action at Lockheed Martin (King of Prussia facility), the world’s largest nuclear weapons contractor and war profiteer. There was also signage and vocal recognition that today (April 15) was the traditional tax-due date, and that our taxes pay for this tragedy. When the peace readings had been completed, a number of those present risked arrest by temporarily blocking their entrance. Eventually three of us moved forward onto Lockheed Martin property in an attempt to deliver a copy of the U.N Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons to Lockheed Martin officials. We were stopped by Lockheed Martin security and the Upper Merion Police. I was able to hand deliver a copy of the Treaty to the head of Lockheed Martin security before being arrested along with two of my compatriots.

Meanwhile I have been involved with a number of related activities. For some examples – I was a speaker at the Media Courthouse Vigil of Hope held on the anniversary of the January 6th assault on our capitol. I spoke in support of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act currently in Congress. On a cold and windy MLKing Day, six of us gathered outside Lockheed Martin. I led a Villanova Freedom School class. Leadership of Peace Center of Delaware County etc.
Comment by admin — April 18, 2022 @ 1:05 pm
April 15, 2022
To the Internal Revenue Service:
We support our country in all its peaceful endeavors, but for reasons of conscience and religious faith we do not support our country in its preparation for war and in war making. We are deeply troubled by the fact that nearly half of the federal income tax that we owe the government is budgeted for military-related expenditures, to buy the tools and manpower to kill our fellow men and women.
As Quakers and pacifists and parents, we have considered our personal responsibility to God and country and world family and conclude that we must redirect a portion of our federal tax payment to peaceful purposes instead of war purposes. Therefore we have sent $50 to UNICEF for the support of needy children around the world and $50 to Disabled American Veterans for the support of those disabled as a result of American wars, for a total of $100 that would otherwise accompany our tax return. Our amount owed for 2021 on line 37 is $352, and we are enclosing our check for $252, with the other $100 being our tax payment redirected for peaceful purposes as indicated above.
We sincerely hope that Congress will this year pass the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund bill that would enable us to, in good conscience, direct all of our tax payments to the federal government in the service of peace.
Paul and Fran Sheldon
Comment by admin — April 21, 2022 @ 4:37 pm
The situation in Ukraine is indeed tragic, as are all wars. There is no quick safe solution for anyone at this point. Moving a step closer to nuclear war cannot be justified and would do nothing to remove the underlying reasons for these catastrophes that keep occurring. Most importantly, we do not want to act quickly and militarily and make things worse. I am concerned to hear so much sudden patriotic war-mongering from some Americans. Suddenly all those bright yellow and blue flags – where were all the flags of support for Myanmar, Bosnia, Eritrea, Rwanda, Sudan, Syria and northern Iraq? Is it more than happenstance that Ukrainians look a lot like us?
Comment by admin — May 4, 2022 @ 9:11 pm
The following discipline has been developed for people participating in Brandywine Peace Community organized direct action and civil disobedience and is intended to assist in the nonviolence of these actions and the overall campaign. The discipline is designed to assist in the unity of the participant’s involvement and project the humanity, justice, and morality of our actions.
Nonviolent Commitment and Understanding….
* We will observe with co-actors, police, Lockheed Martin employees, and passers-by, the rules of human courtesy. We will exhibit no violence or hostility – physical or verbal – toward anyone.
*Throughout the entirety of the demonstration, direct action, or nonviolent civil disobedience, we will trust in the representation and facilitation of the designated coordinators.
*For those doing Nonviolent Civil Disobedience:
– when asked to leave by Lockheed Martin security or police, we will politely decline, affirming the steadfastness of our witness;
– when we are placed under arrest, we will go peacefully, for we understand the legal jeopardy of our actions. Those of us who choose non co-operation with arrest understand that non-cooperation does not mean resisting arrest – “going limp” means to assume a posture of stillness.
We will commit no acts that could endanger anyone. We will focus our minds, bodies, and spirits on the nonviolent action and purpose. We will resist Lockheed Martin, war, and the economy of war with nonviolence and love.
*Participants in Brandywine Peace Community sponsored nonviolent civil disobedience are expected to prepare for their participation with Nonviolence Training and will participate in civil disobedience specific preparation meetings.
*The Brandywine Peace Community has no funds available for bond and/or fines, nor can Brandywine be responsible for providing legal assistance and/or representation if desired in any court proceeding(s).
Checklist for Participants in Brandywine Peace Community sponsored Nonviolent Action (revised with thanks to Veterans for Peace)
1. We will not carry weapons of any kind nor anything that could be construed as a weapon.
2. We will not vandalize or destroy property.
3. We will not use or carry alcohol or illegal drugs.
4. We will not run or make threatening motions.
5. We will not insult, swear or attack others.
6. We will protect those who oppose or disagree with us from insult or attack.
7. We will not assault, verbally or physically, those who oppose or disagree with us, even if they assault us.
8. Our attitude, as conveyed through our words, symbols and actions, will be one of openness, and respect toward all people we encounter including police officers, Lockheed Martin personnel, members of the community at large and passersby.
9. As members of a nonviolent action, we will follow the directions of the designated coordinators.
10. If an individual has a serious disagreement with the organizers of the action, and the disagreement cannot be resolved, the individual will withdraw from the action.
Comment by admin — May 9, 2022 @ 8:14 am