Ten of us braved the cold and wind in the Lockheed Martin entrance. I attempted to carry a copy of the U.N. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons to their nuclear-weapons facility but was stopped and arrested.

Good Friday action today at Lockheed Martin, world’s largest nuclear weapons contractor and war profiteer. We acted to stop the supply of weapons from Lockheed Martin (paid for by the U.S.) and promote a cease fire and real peace in Gaza and Israel/Palestine. I took part in a die-in at L-M’s entrance while holding a sign with the names of hundreds of children that are known dead in Gaza. We were arrested, booked and cited at the police station, and released. Brandywine Peace Community was joined by Red Letter Christians and others for a much larger event than usual.
The Ethics of War and Peace Conference held at West Point is a major event for me and I have attended all of them. This session asked of War: What is it good for? I was surprised that the most common response was that it was not good for much these days. There was opportunity for much personal interaction. Fran focused on talking with the speakers, while I spent more time with the cadets. One afternoon I wore my War is Not the Answer sweatshirt; at all other times I wore a button with that same message on my sport jacket. I had an interesting discussion with our keynote speaker, Steven Pinker, and identified myself as a pacifist when speaking during the Q&A of a plenary session.
Speaking at U.S. Customs House vigil for Senator Fetterman’s support for peace in Gaza, January 2024.
Signed for two certified letters from IRS today and used opportunity to explain to mailperson that as a pacifist I cannot pay for others to kill in my name (nearly half our federal tax goes to military-related costs) and redirect those taxes to life-affirming organizations
A number of us were civil disobedient by blocking their driveway and walking onto their property. In an unusual move, the police declined to formally arrest us but briefly detained us by escorting us individually to the side of the road and getting driver’s license information, then releasing us (no van ride to the station for booking).
We sent our check for a partial amount of what we owe the government along with a letter explaining why we do this as a matter of conscience, and then sent the remainder to good causes. We refuse to pay the full amount of income tax because so much goes to war-related expenses. Paying others to kill in my name feels to me like doing it myself. We refuse and redirect a relatively small amount because at this point the IRS computer is on to us and, after a series of threatening letters they take it out of my social security check. But Thoreau has it right when he says that’s no excuse to do nothing.
I made the attached video documentary during our October 22 demonstration at the Drone War Command Center in Horsham. This is where Air Force pilots fly the planes that do our dirty work in other lands. Video particularly recreates the August 29 2021 attack by the United States that killed 10 civilians in Kabul, Afghanistan, including 7 children. Thanks to Carol Carmon for the camera and editing work. Released this just in time for Halloween — scary, but oh too real.
Today was the annual Good Friday action at Lockheed Martin (King of Prussia facility), the world’s largest nuclear weapons contractor and war profiteer. There was also signage and vocal recognition that today (April 15) was the traditional tax-due date, and that our taxes pay for this tragedy. When the peace readings had been completed, a number of those present risked arrest by temporarily blocking their entrance. Eventually three of us moved forward onto Lockheed Martin property in an attempt to deliver a copy of the U.N Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons to Lockheed Martin officials. We were stopped by Lockheed Martin security and the Upper Merion Police. I was able to hand deliver a copy of the Treaty to the head of Lockheed Martin security before being arrested along with two of my compatriots.
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