Paul's Perambulations a personal blog

April 24, 2020

Making war doesn’t stop for a pandemic. Neither do I.

Filed under: Peace,Politics — admin @ 10:53 am

Lockheed Martin, world’s largest weapons contractor, declares that it is open to meet its obligations to its “customers” (i.e. military contracts). Business as usual – how to make a killing, financially and literally.  Our usual Good Friday demonstration was cancelled, but I felt called to be there nonetheless. This action has been an important part of my life for decades, so I arranged to do it safely and solo My sign read “Covid 19: Country is closed, Lockheed Martin is OPEN for war. Close it down.” I had a pleasant officer for police protection (I assured him there would be no CD today), and he wished me “Be Safe and God Bless You” over his patrol car loud speaker when I was leaving.

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