Paul's Perambulations a personal blog

June 16, 2024

Vets walking for Peace

Filed under: General — admin @ 1:46 pm

Yesterday I met with Veterans for Peace walking from Maine to DC. After a meal and program at Springfield Friends Meeting, some walkers slept overnight at the Meetinghouse. Today I returned to join them in walking from the Meeting to Media, PA. Good work, my friends.

March 30, 2024

Good Friday 2024 action at Lockheed Martin

Filed under: General — admin @ 2:54 pm

Good Friday action today at Lockheed Martin, world’s largest nuclear weapons contractor and war profiteer. We acted to stop the supply of weapons from Lockheed Martin (paid for by the U.S.) and promote a cease fire and real peace in Gaza and Israel/Palestine. I took part in a die-in at L-M’s entrance while holding a sign with the names of hundreds of children that are known dead in Gaza. We were arrested, booked and cited at the police station, and released. Brandywine Peace Community was joined by Red Letter Christians and others for a much larger event than usual.

‘Dead’ at Lockheed Martin
I’m ignoring these — whatever.

September 20, 2023

EQAT climate action at Vanguard

Filed under: General,Nature,Peace — admin @ 4:46 pm

Participated in a peaceful action yesterday with Earth Quaker Action Team at the home of the world’s largest pollution investor – Vanguard in Malvern. Next (9.30.2023) we’re back at Lockheed Martin, World’s Largest War Profiteer.

I’m in dark red holding banner

April 27, 2023

Annual Good Friday action at Lockheed Martin, world’s largest war profiteer and nuclear contractor.

Filed under: General,Peace,Politics — admin @ 9:44 am

A number of us were civil disobedient by blocking their driveway and walking onto their property. In an unusual move, the police declined to formally arrest us but briefly detained us by escorting us individually to the side of the road and getting driver’s license information, then releasing us (no van ride to the station for booking).

In the hands of the law, once again.

November 17, 2022

Drone attack documentary filmed at Drone War Command Center, Horsham, PA

Filed under: General — admin @ 1:12 pm

I made the attached video documentary during our October 22 demonstration at the Drone War Command Center in Horsham. This is where Air Force pilots fly the planes that do our dirty work in other lands. Video particularly recreates the August 29 2021 attack by the United States that killed 10 civilians in Kabul, Afghanistan, including 7 children. Thanks to Carol Carmon for the camera and editing work. Released this just in time for Halloween — scary, but oh too real.

November 18, 2021

Speaking with Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon – Nov 18 and July 15.

Filed under: Education,General,Peace,Politics — admin @ 8:28 am

Spoke again directly with my U.S. Representative Mary Gay Scanlon today (and also four months ago – see below) in a noon zoom appointment arranged by Friends Committee on National Legislation. There were ten of us, and focus was on Build Back Better bill (HR 5376) now in Congress, (more…)

July 6, 2021

4th of July weekend at the Liberty Bell

Filed under: General,Peace — admin @ 7:36 pm

Then the rains came

With Brandywine Peace Community July 3 at the Quaker Statehouse – aka Independence Hall. Message is that our country needs fixing as much as the cracked bell across the way from us. Got good attention from passers-by. Weather progressed from a cool morning drizzle setting out, to a hot sun the first hour of the demonstration, followed by a few clouds, then closed a bit early with a cloud burst of rain.

August 4, 2020

Covid-19 wedding wonderful

Filed under: General — admin @ 2:11 pm

On August 2nd my stepson William and his fiancée Ashley were married in Blue Bell. There were about one hundred guests for an outdoor wedding and dinner under a large tent. Most of what had been originally planned could still happen. They did the planning themselves – well done. Life goes on even in these times. It was a beautiful ceremony, and I am so happy for them.

June 6, 2020

George Floyd and police justice

Filed under: General,Peace,Politics — admin @ 3:21 pm

Coming out of quarantine for two actions in Media today. This morning a call for resignation/firing of a prejudiced police officer. This afternoon “We’re Done Dying,” a vigil for the lost. Morning at the Media FOP headquarters, afternoon at the Courthouse. Good attendance at both. Now for follow through to further. We are interviewed toward end of article. 

September 26, 2018

Are there Perambulations more than activism? Read here

Filed under: Family,General — admin @ 12:29 pm

We’re much more than Quaker activists, so I’ll skip the latest news in that area and give other news about us. Fran and I are amateur mycologists and spent last Sunday (more…)

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