Spoke again directly with my U.S. Representative Mary Gay Scanlon today (and also four months ago – see below) in a noon zoom appointment arranged by Friends Committee on National Legislation. There were ten of us, and focus was on Build Back Better bill (HR 5376) now in Congress, (more…)
November 18, 2021
July 6, 2021
4th of July weekend at the Liberty Bell
With Brandywine Peace Community July 3 at the Quaker Statehouse – aka Independence Hall. Message is that our country needs fixing as much as the cracked bell across the way from us. Got good attention from passers-by. Weather progressed from a cool morning drizzle setting out, to a hot sun the first hour of the demonstration, followed by a few clouds, then closed a bit early with a cloud burst of rain.
March 8, 2021

January 18, 2021
Martin Luther King 2021 action at Lockheed Marti
I participated in the Martin Luther King demonstration and celebration at Lockheed Martin today. We peacefully demonstrated against the world’s largest war profiteer and nuclear weapons’ systems contractor. We celebrated that this Friday the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons will become international law. In accord with the U.N. Charter (to which we are signatories), the treaty having received ratification by at least fifty U.N. member countries, the manufacture, possession, or use of nuclear weapons is prohibited. The major holdouts are, not too surprisingly, the current nuclear weapon countries. We hope to change that, but there is an immediate gain by this treaty. Countries that have ratified the treaty have agreed not to manufacture, trade, possess or allow into their country any nuclear weapons. It is a major step toward world peace when countries that have been historic enemies of one another mutually agree that they will not develop or possess nuclear (more…)
November 6, 2020
Surviving and thriving in Covid times
Covid put a hold on some usual Fall activities (Peace Center, West Point, Drone Warfare). Attended an Immigration Rights rally last month and a Nov 5 rally to Count all the Votes. Picture of Immigration Rights marchers shows them in front of Minsell House, home of Media Historical Society. Fran is concluding her presidency of that organization at the end of the year. Simply keeping sane and healthy can be an accomplishment in these times. I have three sets of hiking friends that I see weekly, plus hiking and other activities with Fran. Missing some of the usual Villanova and Quaker activities. — ZOOM helps, but is not the same.
August 30, 2020
Three August Actions.
On the seventy-fifth anniversary of the destruction of Hiroshima, I was at Lockheed-Martin, world’s largest nuclear contractor. On August 26th Fran and I were at a Mama Bear’s Marina East pipeline action at Hickory Park in Chester Springs. Explosive gasses under high pressure will pass through residential areas and alongside public schools and senior facilities. My role was police/security liaison, monitoring the yellow team of Mama Bears (including Fran). They trespassed onto the work site and left only when threatened with immediate arrest. The security person I engaged acted aggressively, like someone right out of Blackwater training – not a good sign. Two days later Mama Bears arrived at an Exton drill site, where we held a legal demonstration while some of us carried a banner onto their construction easement.
August 4, 2020
Covid-19 wedding wonderful
On August 2nd my stepson William and his fiancée Ashley were married in Blue Bell. There were about one hundred guests for an outdoor wedding and dinner under a large tent. Most of what had been originally planned could still happen. They did the planning themselves – well done. Life goes on even in these times. It was a beautiful ceremony, and I am so happy for them.
June 6, 2020
George Floyd and police justice
Coming out of quarantine for two actions in Media today. This morning a call for resignation/firing of a prejudiced police officer. This afternoon “We’re Done Dying,” a vigil for the lost. Morning at the Media FOP headquarters, afternoon at the Courthouse. Good attendance at both. Now for follow through to further. We are interviewed toward end of article.
April 24, 2020
Making war doesn’t stop for a pandemic. Neither do I.
Lockheed Martin, world’s largest weapons contractor, declares that it is open to meet its obligations to its “customers” (i.e. military contracts). Business as usual – how to make a killing, financially and literally. Our usual Good Friday demonstration was cancelled, but I felt called to be there nonetheless. This action has been an important part of my life for decades, so I arranged to do it safely and solo My sign read “Covid 19: Country is closed, Lockheed Martin is OPEN for war. Close it down.” I had a pleasant officer for police protection (I assured him there would be no CD today), and he wished me “Be Safe and God Bless You” over his patrol car loud speaker when I was leaving.
January 20, 2020
Martin Luther King, Robin Hood, and who’s an outlaw?
Back home just now from Lockheed-Martin, the world’s largest nuclear weapons contractor. My friends and I attempted nonviolently to carry copies of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons to the workers at this facility, but were waylaid by security and police. In picture I am reading my current Villanova course text in the police van while waiting for whatever might be next. The course subject is the legend of the outlaw Robin Hood in Medieval Britain. It seemed particularly appropriate reading matter at this time.