Paul's Perambulations a personal blog

March 10, 2012

What is the responsibility of a member of the military?

Filed under: Education,Peace,Politics — admin @ 7:28 pm

Fran and I were at Swarthmore College recently for a gathering entitled “Reflections on the Occupy Movement.” I spoke my mind on some things. Afterwards, I spoke with a student who is a senior at West Point. I suggested that, as he goes forward, he be sure not to forget his conscience. He replied that if we all did that, we would have anarchy (and who could ever want that?) This response was so quick and so certain that I suspect he had it as “received knowledge.”  I wonder how much thought he had really given it? Otherwise, the implications are rather staggering. Guess Conscience is a bad thing. He also said that in the military you can’t be political, but must follow your leaders. Wonder what he means then by non-political – seems like simply following orders and not thinking for yourself. Sounds to me like we’re getting a sophisticated automaton. Something that will fit right in with drones and spy systems and the like, all under the names of Homeland Security and the War on Terrorism.


And so a very limited sense of “honor” and “keeping your promises” trumps conscience.

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