Paul's Perambulations a personal blog

December 21, 2006

Pacifism and Socialism

Filed under: Peace,Politics — admin @ 3:50 pm

The following was published in The People, the oldest socialist paper in the world and the official publication of the Socialist Labor Party.  The Socialist Labor Party is the third oldest extant political party in the United States.  It is an Americanized and modernized form of Marxism, working to change the government of the United States through education and the ballot box.  The Socialist Labor Party never recognized the legitimacy of the Soviet Union, which falsely used the name of socialism in an attempt to disguise its authoritarian nature.  They are an interesting and idealistic group of people, offering much that is relevant to today’s world.  Unfortunately, the world does not seem to be listening at the moment, and in some ways the group is a living historical relic.  At Villanova some years ago I met their candidate for Vice-President of the United States, George Taylor.  You can check their website if you’re interested.  They are not antithetical to religion.

p.s.  I am also a subscriber to the group/journal Religious Socialism.  The book Christian Socialism (by John Cort…I treasure my inscribed copy) is relevant.  Particularly interesting is the material on the early Christian church.

To the Editor of The People:

As a long-time reader of The People, I must take exception to an item in your July-August 2006 issue in which you equate pacifists with capitalists (“pacifists…pretend that capitalism can one day provide peace, justice, or equality”).  In fact, pacifism refers to an attitude about war, and says nothing about one’s particular political sentiment.   I feel certain that you would find a much higher percentage of people sympathetic to your cause among pacifists, than you would find among the general public.  Personally, I identify myself as a Quaker pacifist revolutionary socialist.

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