Paul's Perambulations a personal blog

July 4, 2019

Stop explosive Mariner East pipeline, and more.

Filed under: Family,Nature,Politics — admin @ 3:07 pm

Our action group occupied the potentially-explosive pipeline site at Sleighton Park on June 29. Members played ball and sang songs over the pipeline, returning the ground to its intended use as a public park. We want SAFE public parks and SAFE living space for all.  We left peacefully when the state police arrived and threatened us with arrest if we remained.  My role was security/police liaison, meaning that I was the designated channel between security/police and our action lead. This process enables the person who is the action lead to focus on the entire action and not be distracted by security and police. It also serves to maintain a safe distance for the action lead and those doing civil disobedience from security and police. This helps de-escalate tensions and stresses that can arise from close contact.

Today is 4th of July and I’m back from the demonstration against drone warfare held annually along the route of Philadelphia’s July 4th parade.  Our June 29 demonstration had a lot of action but not a lot of visibility; this demonstration had little action but a lot of visibility. We also had good visibility at the June 29 demonstration at the drone command center at Horsham (went there right after Sleighton Park action – busy day).

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