Paul's Perambulations a personal blog

December 20, 2006

Musical interlude: Too late for our October 8 Quaker wedding

Filed under: Love — admin @ 9:22 pm

Our Quaker Meeting for Marriage was unusual in a number of ways, even for a Quaker marriage (ask me about it).  One idea came too late for incorporation into the Meeting ceremony.  At the start of Meeting (there was no wedding march) I spoke about how I first met Fran on the proverbial “dark and stormy night” in the woods, and how that set in motion the most significant change in my life.   After a pause for reflection, Chopin’s Revolution Etude bursts forth from our Meeting’s fine old grand piano. If you’re familiar with the piece (very difficult to play), you can image jaws dropping.  But, musically, it perfectly reflects our first meeting.  Well, I wasn’t able to set it up in time with Curtis, but I still smile to think of it.  You don’t hear THAT very often at a wedding.  But there’s still a chance, at the 10th anniversary repetition of our vows. If you want to hear what I’m talking about…

1 Comment »

  1. This is a very difficult piece, and the example here is not particularly well done in my opinion (too fast, and sloppy at points). The program lets you change the tempo, but that can’t make up for the rushed notes. But it’s freeware, so you get what you pay for. I prefer a rendition I own by Sylvia Capova on PILZ Vienna Master Series.

    Comment by admin — June 18, 2008 @ 7:53 pm

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