This morning I stood outside the polls along with the candidates’ representatives, holding my sign “I will not participate in a presidential election run by mega-corporations and wealthy individuals.” Instead, for the Presidential election, I did a write-in stating “This election is bogus.” This is about a particular election and not about the electoral concept. I did vote at the local level.
November 6, 2012
October 4, 2012
Calling my Clearness Committee for a “peaceful uprising”
I request a Clearness Committee meeting to consider the following:
I believe we have an entrenched oligarchy, and I support a peaceful uprising to replace it. We have lost our government, which is no longer “of the people, by the people, for the people.” (more…)
September 18, 2012
Energy, infrastructure, and the unholy god of profit over all.
We’re back from Friends Center and a training session for peacekeepers/marshals for the Shale Gas Outrage non-violent rally and march this Thursday. Getting there and back served as an illustration of how our energy system and transportation system (so closely interlocked) have entered a suicidal spiral. It was raining, and at Villanova (one of the richest (more…)
August 7, 2012
Was “America” attacked on 9/11?
We hear that this country was attacked on 9/11. Correction, this country was never seriously attacked. Bin Laden intentionally (and brilliantly, if we can credit his intelligence and not his morals) attacked a particularly diseased segment of this country (more…)
July 26, 2012
Has women’s lib become women’s chains (comparable to men’s)?
One of the greatest capitalist rip-offs of the second half of the 20th century was to convince women that they would be better off and happier being “liberated” to leave their families and to emulate the meaningless hamster-wheel work life (so falsely glamorized) that their mates “enjoyed.” So now we end up with (more…)
Why was Pearl Harbor any surprise?
War with Japan was not a surprise for most Americans. What was a surprise (more…)
Is (was) Paul a survivalist? Yes and No.
It’s interesting to consider that half a century ago, I had some things somewhat comparable to this rather over-the-top survivalist, stashed in the trunk of my car. I always kept (more…)
Gradualism and/or revolution in climate change? It’s not just about the whales anymore.
Although any individual instance does not establish a trend, the pattern of an increasing number of hot days and weather extremes, along with other climate changes, unfortunately makes the climate-change danger irrefutably clear (except for a few in the pay of the 1%). (more…)
July 6, 2012
Calling all married/established activist couples – where are you?
Fran and I do many of our social actions together as a couple. We have always done some things separately, but we are often together. But in my experience we are the only married/established couple present (more…)
July 5, 2012
Whither Occupy?
Fran and I attended the Occupy National Gathering that was held in Philadelphia the week of July 4th, 2012. For part of the time we were a Friendly Presence assigned to the parking area (actually, the old grave yard) of the Meeting House at 4th and Arch Streets, where Occupiers congregated and slept at night. We were (more…)